I hardly bother with Pay Per Click these days. You know Google Adwords and the like……
Word is getting round some how – Fast!
Let me into a little secret. Have you ever across the site Gather.com?
Some fascinating facts about Gather:
1. Three quarters of its subscribers have a college education, and are between 30 and 60 years of age.
2. Even more (around 80 percent) have a household income in excess of $50,000 per year.
3. Gather members have “a great propensity to spend,” this is according to the site itself.
So these are extremely solid citizens! In fact, Gather describes itself as “a place where informed, engaged people share perspectives on everything.”
NB: While Gather isn’t nearly as well-known as some of the other Social Networking sites, it more than makes up for this in the quality of targeted traffic that it offers to the serious Web 2.0′er on a traffic-building spree!
Gather is just one of those Web 2.0 Power Sites that has enabled me to bring in as much as $26,356 per month.
And this is without spending a single penny!
If you want more traffic today, I suggest you sign up to Gather and get some quality content out there fast! It has to be what people *really* want though. This is a big mistake that many marketers miss.
Chris Freville