
Without Social Media, Your Business Is Doomed

You hear it all the time and you probably think it’s hyperbole. Sure, you have business pages on a few social media platforms, but you’re sure your business could survive without them. As a result, maybe you don’t bother updating often or with relevant, engaging content. Big mistake, friend. Huge. It’s easy
Blog Business

#Instasuccess: Harnessing the Power of the Hashtag on the ‘Gram

You know social media is good for business. You know the importance of having profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and maybe even Google+. In talks of using social media platforms to boost sales, however, Instagram doesn’t always enter the discussion. That’s a shame because it’s a strong contender with so much potential

Quit Your Day Job with Chris Freville’s “6 Figures With Chris” Ebook

Many people would love to quit their day jobs and work a schedule more conducive to their lifestyles, but aren’t quite sure where to start. Luckily, with modern technology, and Google’s pay per click platform, ebooks and guides, such as Chris Freville’s “6 Figures With Chris” are offering people opportunities to make