People often ask me what are the biggest mistakes you see people making when trying to use Web 2.0

And you know what?

These 6 mistakes are always the same…

1. Having poor content – not enough variety. You need to keep them interested with text, podcasts, vlogs etc. Also the content must be relevant – not any old rubbish.

2. Being too generic with their keywords. For example using too high level keywords like “golf” rather than going for the long tail keywords like “golf tuition in nevada”

3. Blasting out hundreds of mediocre articles in a very short space of time – and then getting banned from the Online Social Network (OSN)

4. Not asking for feedback from their readers/users. There are all kind of whizzy solutions such as surveys, poll boxes, shout boxes. Ask – and find out what they really want!

5. Doing anything that looks like it’s an Ad. – Instant turn off!

6. Adding too many comments to other people’s blogs just so you can get a back-link. People see through it when you have too many comments with very little content.

So there you go, these are the 6 that I see over and over again.

I’d love to get your experiences on what mistakes or obstacles you’ve been facing with trying to implement Web 2.0. Shoot me over an email or blog comment…

I’m always interested to hear of new experiences (good or bad).

